I'd dig up the old essay, except that I am still in the process of unpacking, so I'm not sure where it is. I'm also not sure it was all that good, so we'll just try to wing it here in this blog post and see what comes.
The gist of the essay is that we humans are not God although we try to fool ourselves into thinking we are. We try to fool ourselves into thinking we know what's best for us. We try to fool ourselves into thinking "I am the most important person here." We may not be that explicit in words, but our actions too often portray our deepest inner feelings.
As a newly-wed, I've been thinking a lot about this type of thing. Before the wedding, I was reading a book by Mike Mason called The Mystery of Marriage: Meditations on the Miracle
In fact, as I am writing this, I keep getting interrupted by texts from my wife, who is out of town visiting her family. This is after finishing a 45 minute phone call from my mother where she didn't really want to talk about anything. (I am NOT a phone person, so long phone conversations are painful for me.) I wanted to start writing this post at 9pm and it's now 10:45pm. My human nature wants to scream at people for them to stop interrupting me. After all, I'm trying to serve God through this blog post here!
Oh, wait. God wants me to serve my wife and my mother. It's not like I couldn't set this aside and finish it tomorrow. It's my pride getting in the way of performing the service God placed in this stage of my life. God knows how I need to serve Him better than I do. God is God and I am not. I just need to keep reminding myself of that.