In chapter ten, Mark tells us of a rich young man who came to Jesus asking what was necessary to inherit eternal life. Jesus responded that he must sell all his possessions, give to the poor, and follow him. The young man walked away sad.
Later John and James requested to sit at Christ's left and right in heaven. Jesus responded that the position was not his to give. The brothers walked away sad. (Okay, I don't actually know that. It's just what I picture.)
How often do we walk away sad when we hear something hard from God? We don't want to face the truth--to give up something in our lives or something to which we aspire, and walk away sad.
Note that the young man and the disciples did not even ask something inherently bad. The young man wanted eternal life. James and John wanted to be next to Christ for eternity. These are even admirable in their convoluted ways. Jesus did not deny either of their wishes. He simply told them the truth about the realities of their situations. The rich young man had to give up what was most important to him. The disciples had to adhere to orders beyond their control.
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